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Despite large opposition, CETA limps forward in the European Parliament
On 24 January 2017, the European Parliament Committee on International Trade (INTA) voted in favour of the Comprehensive Economic Trade Agreement (CETA), despite the concerns about fundamental rights and the right to regulate. We regret that the international trade committee appears to be motivated by short-term political objectives, rather than what is actually written in […]
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TiSA Resolution: document pool
Last update: 4 February 2016. The European Parliament is planning to adopt a non-legislative resolution on the Trade in Services Agreement (TiSA). The TiSA Resolution will be a political statement from the Parliament. This means that the European Commission, which is in charge of negotiating this trade agreement on behalf of the European Union (EU) […]
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Parliament Committee adopts a disappointing position on TTIP
The European Parliament’s Committee on International Trade (INTA) adopted this morning a position on the planned “Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership” (TTIP) between the United States and the European Union. “We are delighted with the campaigning activity surrounding this vote,” said Joe McNamee, Executive Director of European Digital Rights. “It is clear that Europe’s citizens will […]
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Data protection and privacy must be excluded from TTIP
Data protection is a contentious issue in the discussions about the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) and other trade or investment agreements, such as the Trade in Services Agreement (TiSA). Now that the European Parliament is preparing to issue a non-legislative resolution on TTIP, various parliamentary committees are giving their input to the committee […]
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TTIP Resolution: document pool
The European Parliament is going to adopt a Resolution on TTIP. A resolution is a political statement which does not have binding effects. However, a strong resolution from the Parliament could be a step in the right direction. The Committee on International Trade (INTA) was in charge of the dossier and was guided by Opinions […]
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