Jurisprudence 2
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Turkey blocks again YouTube
A Turkish court from the eastern city of Sivas decided on 18 September 2007 to order the ISPs to block the access to YouTube, considering that one of the video hosted there insulted Turkey’s founding father, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, President Abdullah Gul, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and the Turkish army. Anatolia news agency reported […]
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Pole faces prison for "Google bombing" targetted to the Polish President
A Polish computer programmer, Marek W, might go to prison for 3 years for having created a program that linked Polish President Lech Kaczynski’s website to the word “kutas” meaning penis in Polish vulgar language. Marek, charged for insulting the President, admitted he had created a so-called “Google bomb” in order to check out his […]
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ENDitorial: "Frattinising" isn't the only threat
So there’s a new verb in Europe: to frattinise. It first appeared in German, soon after in French and in Italian, it may creep around in other languages. Or it may be replaced by another one, next time someone else jumps on the same hideous bandwagon. On 10 September 2007 (quite deliberately, one day before […]
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Lukashenko wants no opposition on the Internet
Belarus president Lukashenko claimed in a recent interview that on the Internet there was too much opposition to his views. As a response some groups of the Belarusian Internet community prepared a customized version of the Internet for their president. Internet-community “Third Way” prepared a birthday present for Belarusian acting president A. Lukashenko – the […]
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WordPress.com blocked in Turkey
(Dieser Artikel ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar) Turkey blocked the access to all the blogs hosted at wordpress.com on 17 August 2007, after a Turkish court decided on this action by agreing with a law firm hired by Adnan Oktar, that claimed that several blogs on the wordpress platform were publishing allegedly defamatory and […]
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French ruling against video-sharing platform DailyMotion
(Dieser Artikel ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar) On 13 July 2007, a French court has ruled against the French company DailyMotion, second world leader of video-sharing platforms after YouTube, in a counterfeit case. The legal action was initiated by the director, the producer, and the distributor of a movie put on-line by a user […]
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Belgium ISP ordered by the court to filter illicit content
(Dieser Artikel ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar) In an unprecedented decision, the Court of First Instance in Bruxelles has order Scarlet, a Belgium ISP, to implement technical measures in order to prohibit its users to illegally download music files. The decision comes after a complaint initiated in 2004 by Sabam (Belgian Society of Authors, […]
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ENDitorial: The 2001 CoE Cybercrime Conv. more dangerous than ever
(Dieser Artikel ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar) The Council of Europe (CoE) has definitely highly prioritised the broad ratification, all over the world, of its Convention on Cybercrime, opened to signatures since November 2001 and entered into force on 1 July 2004. As part of its efforts to achieve this goal, a conference on […]
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Legislation banning "Hacking tools" in Germany
(Dieser Artikel ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar) The laws on computer crimes have become stricter in Germany where the creation, use or distribution of so-called “hacking tools” have been banned. On 23 May 2007, the Committee on Legal Affairs of the Bundestag (the lower chamber of Germany’s Federal Parliament) approved a controversial government bill […]
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Germany is preparing the G8 meeting by searching NGOs servers
(Dieser Artikel ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar) The German government decided to prepare the G8 meeting that will take place during 6-8 June in Heiligendamm, a Baltic seaside resort, by increasing the number of searches and seizures to NGOs and anti-globalization movements offices and servers. During the entire month of May the Federal Prosecutor […]
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Opennet Initiative publishes alarming results on Internet filtering
(Dieser Artikel ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar) On 19 May 2007 the Opennet Initiative (ONI) held a conference on the state of global internet filtering. On the conference ONI presented the results of its research over the last years. It concludes that an increasing number of coutries is applying filtering to the Internet. The […]
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New anti-racism documents on the European agenda
(Dieser Artikel ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar) After six years of debates in trying to reach an agreement, the European Council will adopt a Framework decision that makes incitement to racism and xenophobia a crime in all the EU members states. At the same time, five MEPs promoted a declaration that asks for an […]
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