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SHARE Foundation honoured with a certificate of gratitude
Data Protection Day was celebrated on 28 January, and it was especially festive for EDRi observer SHARE Foundation. The organisation received a certificate of gratitude from the Commissioner for Information of Public Importance and Personal Data Protection of Serbia for their immense contribution to affirmation of the right to protection of personal data.
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Proposed surveillance package in Austria sparks resistance
The Austrian coalition parties have renegotiated their government programme in January 2017. This new programme contains a so-called “security package” that encompasses the introduction of several new surveillance measures and additional powers for the Austrian security agencies. These changes in the law are to be implemented by June 2017. However, so far no evaluation of already […]
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Funding is caring: Small grants to support digital rights groups!
We are more than happy to announce the launch of the “European Digital Rights Fund” that will bring urgently needed support to the EDRi community. This small grants programme, designed by the Renewable Freedom Foundation (RFF), is based on peer-led decisions from our digital rights community based on an easy application process that allows for […]
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e-Privacy Regulation: Good intentions but a lot of work to do
On 10 January 2017, the European Commission published its long-awaited proposal for an e-Privacy Regulation (Regulation on Privacy and Electronic Communications, ePR) to replace the 2002 e-Privacy Directive (Directive 2002/58/EC, ePD). EU legislation on data protection is divided between general legislation (the 1995 Directive, soon to be replaced by the General Data Protection Regulation) and […]
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Commission’s 2017 Work Programme: The good, the bad & the ambiguous
At the end of October 2016, the European Commission presented its programme for 2017 “delivering a Europe that protects, empowers and defends”. The new programme highlights 21 key political initiatives and 18 Regulatory Fitness and Performance reviews (REFIT). The programme also contains an overview of the pending proposals from previous years that need to be […]
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New Danish law can lead to substantial internet censorship
On 12 January 2017, the Danish Ministry of Justice presented a draft law on website blocking for public consultation. This step had been expected for a couple of months as part of the government’s action plan on countering online extremism and radicalisation. Denmark has a complete opt-out from the Justice and Home Affairs (JHA) area […]
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From EDRi to the World in 2016
Now more than ever civil society needs to stand together to fight against challenges to the protection of personal data, to our privacy, freedom of expression and access to knowledge. In the discussions about defending our online rights and freedoms, all voices must be heard. In 2016, EDRi increased its international activity to help spread […]
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Protecting whistleblowers – protecting democracy
Whistleblowing is defined as the “disclosure by a person, usually an employee in a government agency or private enterprise, to the public or to those in authority, of mismanagement, corruption, illegality, or other forms of wrongdoing”. Whistleblowers have become a trending topic since 2010, when Chelsea Manning disclosed around 700 000 military classified documents to […]
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Germany: Fighting the anti-whistleblower provision
EDRi observer Gesellschaft für Freiheitsrechte’s (GFF) most recent Constitutional Court case in Germany concerns an anti-whistleblowing provision threatening the freedom of the press. Part-time journalists and bloggers, as well as the legal or IT experts on which journalists rely, now risk a prison sentence of up to three years for handling “leaked” data.
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#PrivacyCamp17: Controlling data, controlling machines
Accountability, transparency and profiling were the buzzwords of the fifth annual Privacy Camp, which took place on 24 January in Brussels. The camp, this year entitled “Controlling data, controlling machines: dangers and solutions”, brought together civil society, policy-makers and academia to discuss the problems for human rights in the digital environment. The event is organised […]
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Despite large opposition, CETA limps forward in the European Parliament
On 24 January 2017, the European Parliament Committee on International Trade (INTA) voted in favour of the Comprehensive Economic Trade Agreement (CETA), despite the concerns about fundamental rights and the right to regulate. We regret that the international trade committee appears to be motivated by short-term political objectives, rather than what is actually written in […]
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2017: Important Consultations for your Digital Rights!
Public consultations are an opportunity to influence policy-making at an early stage, and to help to shape a brighter future for your digital rights.
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