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Dutch parliament votes against internet filter
On 5 July 2016, the Dutch parliament voted against the introduction of an internet filter. Such a filter would be ineffective and would undermine trust in digital infrastructure. The internet filter was proposed as part of new legislation to regulate online gambling in the Netherlands. Currently, online gambling is prohibited. Of course, this doesn’t deter […]
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Oversight of the new Europol regulation likely to remain superficial
On 1 May 2017, the new regulation on Europol will enter into force. The compromise agreed on during the trilogue procedure establishes more detailed provisions on oversight of the activities of Europol by the European Parliament.
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Three steps to end freedom of expression
Our right to freedom of expression is laid out in law by the EU Treaties. To ensure democracy and accountability, this fundamental human right may not be restricted unless it is necessary, achieves an objective of general interest and the measure to restrict it is provided for by law.
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Alliance for broadband competition sets out benchmarks for EU’s telecommunications update
On 12 July, EU and US telecommunications experts issued a clear warning: to ensure investment in broadband and to give consumers high-speed access to the internet, efficient competition has to be guaranteed. EU policy-makers, academics, civil society and internet providers gathered at #NetCompetition’s high-level forum to lay down the yardstick for the upcoming telecommunications review. […]
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Privacy Shield: Privacy sham
Today, on 12 July 2016, the European Commission adopted the so-called “Privacy Shield”, a special arrangement that allows the transfer of personal data from the EU to the United States. The Privacy Shield replaces the former Safe Habor agreement, which used to serve the same purpose, before being annulled by the European Court of Justice […]
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Net neutrality – last call for responses to Europe’s biggest ever telecoms consultation
With over 93 000 comments and counting, EU telecom regulators’ consultation on net neutrality has received unprecedented attention from concerned EU citizens. is making a final push this week in a bid to reach 100 000 comments., an international coalition of NGOs supporting digital rights in Europe and abroad, is making a last call […]
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Copyfail #7: Not allowing research via “commercial” text and data mining
This article is the seventh in the series presenting Copyfails. The EU is reforming its copyright rules. We want to introduce you to the main failures of the current copyright system, with suggestions on how to fix them. You can find all the Copyfails here. How has it failed? We live in an era where […]
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Traffic management: Where are the risks for online discrimination
Net neutrality is the principle that all the internet traffic is treated equally, without blocking or slowing down certain data. Net neutrality is crucial for fair competition between online services, for innovation, and for freedom of expression online. The European Parliament has adopted a Regulation that includes provisions on net neutrality. Currently, the BEREC (the […]
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e-Privacy Directive revision: An analysis from the civil society
After the approval of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Data Protection Directive for Law Enforcement Agencies (LEDP), the reform of data protection and privacy in the European Union (EU) now reaches the next step: the review of the e-Privacy Directive (Directive 2002/58/EC on privacy and electronic communications).
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PROCEED WITH CAUTION: Flexibilities in the General Data Protection Regulation
We regret that much of the ambition of the original data protection package was lost, due to one of the biggest lobbying campaigns in European history. However, we congratulate the European Parliament — for saving the essence of European data protection legislation.[1] On 14 April 2016, the European Parliament adopted two legal instruments that will regulate […]
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Rush to “fight terrorism” threatens our fundamental rights and security
Today, on 4 July 2016, the European Parliament’s Committee on Civil Liberties (LIBE) waved through a compromise text for a Directive on “combating terrorism”. The compromise comes after a series of secret negotiations between a handful of parliamentarians. Our freedoms and security are being threatened by unclear provisions on key issues like internet blocking and […]
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Specialised services: A make-or-break issue for the open internet
Net neutrality is the principle that all the internet traffic is treated equally, without blocking or slowing down certain data. Net neutrality is crucial for fair competition between online services, for innovation, and for freedom of expression online. The European Parliament has adopted a Regulation that includes provisions on net neutrality. Currently, the BEREC (the […]
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