EDRi-gram, 6 July 2022

“Use of digital technologies is taken as a given, and yet for a variety of reasons almost one-fifth of Czech households do not have internet access and a quarter of adults do not have a smartphone. Regrettably, in Czech media there is not much discussion about this and other challenges of the digital era.” ― Hynek Trojánek, PR coordinator for the Promoting Human Rights in the Digital Era

By EDRi · July 6, 2022



Last chance to add your voice to ban biometric mass surveillance

Reclaim Your Face

+72 000 people have already signed the Reclaim Your Face coalition European vivil society initiative to ban biometric mass surveillance in Europe. Governments, police forces and corporations use recording devices (like CCTV cameras) and facial recognition software to gather our biometric data. This means they can track us from one place to another using our unique characteristics to permanently identify each of us. It treats us all as walking barcodes. Give your voice to stop this.



Human Rights Watch

Bedrooms and kitchens turned into classrooms overnight, as Covid-19 plunged children, parents, and teachers into online learning so kids could continue to learn safely. This also meant a boom in the surveillance EdTech. Human Rights Watch examined more than 150 EdTech products, recommended by 49 governments of the world’s most populated countries, to check how they handled children’s data. Watch the video resuming their report.


CSAM proposal: children first, privacy second?


The European Commission has unveiled on 11 May its long-awaited proposal to fight against child sexual abuse material online, or CSAM in short. This sparked a lot of concerns for privacy defenders, worried that the provision forcing tech platforms to scan the communications of their users to detect CSAM would lead to an indiscriminate and disproportionate intrusion into our lives and would undermine encryption. Listen to EDRi’s Policy Advisor Ella Jakubowska’s takes on the proposal.


Security and privacy tips for people seeking an abortion

EDRi member EFF

If you are worried about legal pressure, the most important thing to remember is to keep these activities separate from less sensitive ones. This can be done in many ways, but the underlying idea is to keep that information compartmentalized away from other aspects of your “regular” life. This makes it harder to trace back to you. Check out how to protect yourself from the spying eyes of states and companies when you need to have an abortion but the law takes away this right from you. Check out the guide and share it with your community.

