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EDRi is the biggest European network defending rights and freedoms online. We work to to challenge private and state actors who abuse their power to control or manipulate the public. We do so by advocating for robust and enforced laws, informing and mobilising people, promoting a healthy and accountable technology market, and building a movement of organisations and individuals committed to digital rights and freedoms in a connected world.
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Consumer Protection Commissioner wants to see changes in iTunes
(Dieser Artikel ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar) Many consumer rights organizations in Germany, Norway, France and Finland have gathered to take common actions against Apples on its iTunes bundling services, but new concerns are expressed also by the EU Consumer Protection Commissioner, Meglena Kuneva. In an interview for the German weekly Focus, Kuneva was […]
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Russian deputy sues a commentator on his blog for insult
(Dieser Artikel ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar) Viktor Alksnis, a Duma State deputy, has acted on his threat to take to court blogger Timofey Shevyakov, a LifeJournal user, for insults addressed to the former as a state authority. The deputy started his blog on the LifeJournal on 3 February, wanting to “demonstrate the everyday […]
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UK Home Office plans to fingerprint children starting 11
(Dieser Artikel ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar) “Restricted” documents circulated among officials in the UK Identity and Passport have shown Home Office plans to fingerprint children aged 11 years and over, beginning with 2010, as part of the programme for the introduction of new biometric passports and ID cards. The fingerprints are to be […]
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Consolidated "Audiovisual without Frontiers" Directive
(Dieser Artikel ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar) After the first reading in the European Parliament of the new proposed Television without Frontiers directive, the European Commission has made the new consolidated text public on 9 March 2007 . The initial proposal was criticized by Internet media specialists and some significant changes were adopted by […]
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ENDitorial: French law on delinquency: the threat to FoE is elsewhere
(Dieser Artikel ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar) The new French law for the prevention of delinquency is yet another vehicle to worsen penalties and to increase the prerogatives of the police, when infractions are committed through or using the Internet. The main purpose of this law is to reduce the limitation of penal responsibility […]
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Censorship in Belarusian Internet cafes
(Dieser Artikel ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar) The Belarusian Council of Ministers adopted on 10 February 2007 a new act on the Regulations on Functioning of the Computer Clubs and Internet Cafes that will impose new censorship rules on all the persons that use the public Internet access points. According to the new regulations, […]
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EPLA found illegal by the EP Legal Service
(Dieser Artikel ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar) The Legal Service which advises the European Parliament (EP) on legal issues and acts as its representative in court, found the Patent Litigation Agreement (EPLA) as illegal being in direct contradictions with the European law and several EU treaties. The very controversial EPLA, if adopted, would bind […]
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Russian court dismisses piracy case as "trivial"
(Dieser Artikel ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar) A Russian court has dismissed a penal case against a Russian teacher, Alexander Ponosov, that bought computers for its school with unauthorized Microsoft programs. The case become well-known when the former Soviet president Gorbachev made a public appeal to Bill Gates, asking to intervene in this case. […]
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24 proposals approved by the WIPO PCDA
(Dieser Artikel ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar) During a special session between 19-23 February 2007, the Provisional Committee on Proposals Related to a World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) Development Agenda (PCDA) approved some proposals meant to improve the development of the organization. The proposal for a WIPO Development Agenda started in 2004 with Argentina […]
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DRM debate continues in Europe
(Dieser Artikel ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar) On 19 February 2007, the UK Government rejected an online petition initiated by blogger Neil Holmes and signed by 1,414 people asking for the interdiction of DRM (Digital Rights Management), arguing DRM systems deprive the consumers of their freedom of choice between competing products for CDs or […]
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Increased Europol powers need increased data protection policies
(Dieser Artikel ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar) Peter Hustinx, the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) considers that the changes on the legal basis of Europe’s police (Europol) proposed by the European Parliament meant to increase its powers have to be accompanied by proper data protection rules. The European Parliament has proposed changes that would […]
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E-voting in Estonia for parliamentary elections
(Dieser Artikel ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar) Estonia is the first nation in the world that will allow voting via the Internet during its elections for the Parliament (Riigikogu). The voting will take place on 4 March 2007, but the electronic vote will be cast from 26 February at 9 AM until 28 February […]
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