September 15, 2014 · Blogs

FNF 2014: Brussels privacy advocates summit to tackle surveillance, censorship, net discrimination

Between 26 and 29 September, the annual Freedom not Fear (FNF) conference and barcamp will take place in Brussels. As every year, the action days are challenging the false dichotomy that better security comes at a price: the abandonment of our privacy rights. On Friday evening, the event will be kicked off with a keynote […]

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November 24, 2016 · Document pools

Terrorism Directive: Document pool

I am convinced that the only effective way to tackle terrorism is firmly rooted in the respect of fundamental and human rights.

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December 21, 2017 · Blogs

Have yourself happy privacy friendly holidays!

It’s (nearly) holiday time. And with holidays, there come the family’s holiday gatherings holding forth the possibility of awkward or tense moments. But fear not – it is time to take over the conversation and educate your family about digital rights!

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October 15, 2013 · Blogs

“Terms and Conditions may apply”: A free screening of a must-see film on Thursday, 17 October

We’re happy to announce a screening of Cullen Hoback’s very timely documentary about the dangers of signing up to excessive and unpredictable license terms which undermine privacy and permit surveillance: “Terms and Conditions may apply”. The filmmaker tells a terrifying story and coherently argues that we need to reclaim control of our personal data. We […]

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April 30, 2019 · Open letters | Open internet and inclusive technology | Equal access to the internet

Two years of net neutrality in Europe – 31 NGOs urge to guarantee non-discriminatory treatment of communications

Today, on 30 April 2019, two years after the new net neutrality rules came into force, the EU Commission published its Report to evaluate their implementation in Europe. Unfortunately, the Report does not give the in-depth analysis of the situation that one could have hoped for. It ignores the fact that the respect for net […]

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May 15, 2019 · Open letters | Open internet and inclusive technology | Equal access to the internet

NGOs and academics warn against Deep Packet Inspection

Today, on 15 May 2019, European Digital Rights, together with 45 NGOs, academics and companies from 15 countries sent an open letter to European policymakers and regulators warning against the widespread use of privacy-invasive Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) technology in the EU. The letter addresses the ongoing negotiations of Europe’s new net neutrality rules, in […]

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Algorithm of grief

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13 ways of looking at a CCTV

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July 23, 2019 · Blogs | Privacy and data protection | Data protection standards | Privacy and confidentiality | Surveillance and data retention

Your family is none of their business

Today’s children have the most complex digital footprint in human history, with their data being collected by private companies and governments alike.

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March 16, 2015 · Document pools

Preparations for a comprehensive copyright reform in the EU Parliament: Document pool

In the field of EU copyright policy, there are two European Parliament own-initiative reports (which will become a non-binding non-legal resolution) which EDRi is following closely. Firstly, there is the report on the implementation of the so-called “InfoSoc Directive” by Julia Reda. This report analyses a Directive which contains core elements of EU copyright law, including […]

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September 24, 2008

The EU commissioners ask for a friendly environment in online retailing

(Dieser Artikel ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar) A roundtable on online retailing with the interested private companies, including online music providers, and consumers organisations took place at the European Commission in Brussels on 17 September 2008 with competition commissioner Neelie Kroes and internal market commissioner Charlie McCreevy. Ms Kroes expressed her concern regarding the […]

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October 19, 2011

The latest developments on ACTA in the European Parliament

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Europäisches Parlament: Aktueller Stand bei ACTA |] After long, opaque and undemocratic negotiations, the Anti-Counterfeiting Agreement (ACTA) is making its first steps into the European Parliament. The long process of the ratification of ACTA, which will need to overcome the hurdles created by votes in all 27 […]

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