April 8, 2021

Stockholm Internet Forum

Stockholm Internet Forum (SIF) is the forum advancing a free, open, and secure internet as a driver of global development. This is an arena for exchanging knowledge and ideas, and the place to forge new partnerships within civil society, private sector, academia, donors, and government. SIF is hosted by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida).

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October 5, 2023 · Document pools | Privacy and data protection | Privacy and confidentiality | Surveillance and data retention

CSA Regulation Document Pool

This document pool contains updates and resources on the EU's proposed 'Regulation laying down rules to prevent and combat child sexual abuse' (CSA Regulation)

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March 6, 2024 · Blogs | Privacy and data protection | Data protection standards

The privacy saga with Norwegian Social Service continues

We promised you an update to Janne Cecilie Thorenfeldt’s case taking the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration (NAV) on the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR). Since EDRi member Elektronisk Forpost Norge (EFN) reported about the massive GDPR violations of the Service, here is what happened.

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October 15, 2020 · Open letters | Privacy and data protection | Alternatives to dominant digital services

Consumer and citizen groups continue to have serious concerns about Google Fitbit takeover

Regulators investigating Google’s takeover of Fitbit are reportedly seeking commitments from Google to allow them to clear this deal. It is widely recognised that this takeover raises serious competition and privacy concerns and risks harming citizens and consumers in several markets including wearables, advertising and digital health.

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May 31, 2023 · Blogs | Privacy and data protection | Data protection standards

Sex, religion and race are advertising taboos, except for power-hungry politicians

As the GDPR turns five, certain EU lawmakers want to rip out some of its protections, so they can use our deeply personal information to tailor political ads and tip political elections and campaigns in their favour.

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September 26, 2023 · Open letters | Privacy and data protection | Artificial intelligence (AI) | Biometrics

Global civil society and experts statement: Stop facial recognition surveillance now

198 civil society groups and eminent experts are calling on governments to stop the use of facial recognition surveillance by police, authorities and private companies.

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September 24, 2020 · Press mentions | Privacy and data protection | Profiling practices | Surveillance and data retention

Surveillance on the seas: Europe’s new Migration Pact

Instead of coming up with a meaningful plan, the EU’s new migration pact explicitly doubles down on containment and border security and opens the door to increasingly more draconian tools of surveillance using new technologies, write Petra Molnar and Kena-Jade Pinto, who recently travelled to the Moria refugee camp in Lesvos.

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April 12, 2023 · Blogs | Open internet and inclusive technology | Digital sustainability | Inclusive technologies

Decolonising Digital Rights: a process imbued with love

This blog reflects on the end of the design phase of the decolonising digital rights in Europe process. It discusses our learnings and the next steps of the process as we begin to build and disseminate the programme.

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February 17, 2021 · Highlights | Press releases | Privacy and data protection | Artificial intelligence (AI) | Biometrics | Data protection standards | Privacy and confidentiality | Profiling practices | Surveillance and data retention

New ECI calls Europeans to stand together for a future free from harmful biometric mass surveillance

The Reclaim Your Face coalition launches a European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI) today to ban biometric mass surveillance. The ECI represents the voice of those who oppose a dystopian future and instead want a future in which choices are made by us, not by algorithms. The initiative needs to collect 1 million signatures in at least 7 EU countries during the next year.

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October 6, 2021 · Blogs | Highlights | Privacy and data protection | Artificial intelligence (AI) | Biometrics | Surveillance and data retention

Celebrating a strong European Parliament stance on AI in law enforcement

On 5 October, following a significant push from across civil society, the European Parliament voted to adopt an important new report on Artificial intelligence in criminal law and its use by the police and judicial authorities in criminal matters by a promising majority of 377 votes in favour, to 248 against. This followed a tense vote earlier as a majority of MEPs opposed all four attempts from the European People's Party (EPP) to remove key fundamental rights provisions from the report.

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October 25, 2023 · Blogs | Press mentions | Privacy and data protection | Data protection standards | Privacy and confidentiality | Surveillance and data retention

Why your data might already be on a Europol list

Police forces around Europe seem hooked on the habit of collecting information on a massive scale and forwarding it to the EU's police agency, Europol. This undermines privacy, fair trial rights and the presumption of innocence.

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March 16, 2022 · Blogs | On the ground | Open letters | Privacy and data protection | Data protection standards

Civil society call and recommendations for concrete solutions to GDPR enforcement shortcomings

EDRi members call on the European Data Protection Board (EDPB), the European Commission, and all national data protection authorities (DPAs) to urgently address the structural and procedural enforcement issues that prevent the GDPR from fully reaching its potential.

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