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Press release: MEPs ignore expert advice and vote for mass internet censorship
In a vote today, 20 June 2018, the Legal Affairs Committee of the European Parliament voted for a Copyright Directive, which includes measures to monitor and filter virtually all uploads to the internet.
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Censorship – don’t look left or right. Look ahead, look behind!
There is discussion about arbitrary censorship of our freedom of expression in every possible policy area these days.
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Answering guide for European Commission’s “illegal” content “consultation”
The European Commission has published a short “consultation” on countering “illegal” content online, with a deadline of 25th June to respond. In order to ensure at least a little balance in outcome of the consultation, EDRi has prepared an answering guide to help you respond as an individual. We suggest opening the consultation in one […]
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EU – Japan trade agreement undermines algorithmic transparency
The EU trade agreement with Japan undermines algorithmic transparency, Dutch EDRi member Vrijschrift wrote in a letter to the Dutch Parliament.
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Stop the Censorship Machine and Save Your Internet!
Join the fight against the EU's Censorship Machine!
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EU Censorship Machine: Legislation as propaganda?
The provisions are so controversial that supporters in the European Parliament have resorted to including purely political – and legally meaningless – "safeguards" in the text as a way of getting the proposal adopted.
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LEAK: France & Germany demand more censorship from internet companies
Policy makers put pressure on the EU to enact legislation for online platforms like Facebook, but also for small companies, to be legally required to engage in more and quicker privatised and unaccountable censorship.
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EDRi’s leadership transition: Back to the future…
Challenges to digital rights will not decrease – on the contrary, the speed with which technology is integrating into every part of our lives is making it increasingly difficult to ensure that rights and freedoms are respected from the outset.
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Belgium Constitutional Court decision on the concept of incitement to terrorism
On the 15 March, the Constitutional Court of Belgium issued judgement 31/2018 on the action for the annulment of the law of 3 August 2016 containing various provisions in the fight against terrorism.
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Join the coordinated calls against EU’s Censorship Machine
Several organisations in different European countries have picked up their phones and mobilised against article 13 of the copyright Directive.
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EDRi’s leadership transition: Looking back at our victories
EDRi is not one person. EDRi is not one office. EDRi is 39 organisations, mostly volunteer-run. EDRi is sweat and stress, frustration and success. Most of all, EDRi is 15 years of successes made possible by an immensely passionate network. And this network is now looking for a new Executive Director.
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EU Member States agree on monitoring & filtering of internet uploads
On 25 May, the European Council agreed to a negotiating position on the draft copyright directive. This will allow the presidency of the Council to start negotiations with the European Parliament on mass monitoring and filtering of internet uploads and a chaotic new “ancillary copyright” measure that will make it harder to link to and quote news sources.
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