March 25, 2015 · Blogs

Patriot Act à la française: France to legalise unlawful surveillance

In recent years, France has increasingly tightened its laws on crimes committed on the Internet. From the LOPPSI law voted in 2012 to the latest anti-terror law voted in November 2014, the bill on Intelligence announced on 19 March by the French Prime Minister, Manuel Valls, is fully consistent with a history of repressive Internet […]

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July 6, 2022 · Blogs | On the ground | Privacy and data protection | Data protection standards | Surveillance and data retention

Good news: Dutch secret services destroy unlawfully stored information on millions of innocent citizens

The secret services store information on millions of citizens that they are no longer by law allowed to have. EDRi member Bits of Freefom filed a complaint about this with the supervisor. The supervisor stated on June 15, 2022, that the data must be destroyed.

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July 16, 2003 · Blogs

Danish agreement on digital civil rights

On 4 July, the Danish Committee on citizens IT-rights published a list of 10 recommendations on digital civil rights. The committee was established in September last year by the Danish Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation. The recommendations deal with communication with the public sector, with privacy and registration, with freedom of expression and with […]

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November 16, 2022 · Blogs | Campaigns | Privacy and data protection | Privacy and confidentiality | Surveillance and data retention

Europol is going to collect a massive collection of intimate conversations from European youngsters

This story begins with the creation of a new European agency, but ends with one of the world's largest databases of private chats and images shared by European youngsters—built by the police.

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May 30, 2018 · On the ground | Privacy and data protection | Privacy and confidentiality | Surveillance and data retention

Gesellschaft für Freiheitsrechte: Legal challenge against Bavarian Police Act

EDRi observer Gesellschaft für Freiheitsrechte (GFF) is preparing a joint constitutional complaint to be brought before the German Constitutional Court against the newly passed Bavarian Police Act (PAG)

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November 17, 2021 · Blogs | Press mentions | Privacy and data protection | Biometrics | Surveillance and data retention

Do no harm? How the case of Afghanistan sheds light on the dark practice of biometric intervention

In August 2021, as US military forces exited Afghanistan, the Taliban seized facial recognition systems, highlighting just how a failure to protect people’s privacy can tangibly threaten their physical safety and human rights. Far from being good tools which fell into the wrong hands, the very existence of these systems is part of broader structures of data extraction and exploitation spanning continents and centuries, with a history wrapped up in imperialism, colonialism and control.

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June 7, 2018 · Blogs | Information democracy | Open internet and inclusive technology | Privacy and data protection

EDRi’s leadership transition: Back to the future…

Challenges to digital rights will not decrease – on the contrary, the speed with which technology is integrating into every part of our lives is making it increasingly difficult to ensure that rights and freedoms are respected from the outset.

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May 4, 2016 · Blogs | Privacy and data protection | Data protection standards | Privacy and confidentiality

The lobby-tomy 6: Not in my backyard

Something you’ll hear in policy debates on the environment: windmills are a great idea and obviously good for the environment, but we don’t want them in our backyard. This argument doesn’t just apply to the debate on the environment, but apparently also in the debate on privacy protection. Representatives from industry speak convincingly about what […]

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March 12, 2014 · Blogs

Internet censorship and surveillance in Turkey

The Turkish government recently passed a new law that will deepen the existing censorship and surveillance on the Internet. The new law is an amendment to Law #5651, an article of which has been previously condemned by European Court of Human Rights (Ahmet Yildirim vs. Turkish Government case where the Court ruled that Turkey had […]

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May 18, 2016 · Blogs

Big Brother Awards Germany 2016

The annual gala for the German Big Brother Awards (BBA), organised by EDRi member Digitalcourage, was held on 22 April 2016 in Bielefeld, Germany. English-language coverage of the event was stepped up this year. While English translations of most of the laudations have been available on the website in previous years, this year Digitalcourage’s interpreter […]

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July 17, 2013 · Blogs

Finland: A new citizens initiative – Lex Snowden

EDRi member Electronic Frontier Finland (Effi) has submitted on 8 July 2013, with support from Avoin Ministeriö, a citizens’ legislative initiative, titled “Yes We Can – The law for safeguarding of freedom of expression and privacy internationally”, to the Ministry of Justice. If the initiative collects 50 000 names (almost 1% of total population of […]

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May 6, 2015 · Blogs

Emotion tracking company gets funding from the European Commission

Realeyes is a London based start-up company that tracks people’s facial reactions through webcams and smartphones in order to analyse their emotions. The analysed data is used to help companies maximise the impact of their advertising and market research campaigns. The technology allows the companies to know how consumers feel when they view the video […]

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