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ePrivacy: Public benefit or private surveillance?
92 weeks after the proposal was published, the EU is still waiting for an ePrivacy Regulation. The Regulation is supposed to replace the current ePrivacy Directive, aligning it with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
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Council continues limbo dance with the ePrivacy standards
It's been six-hundred-fifty-two days since the European Commission launched its proposal for an ePrivacy Regulation. The European Parliament took a strong stance towards the proposal when it adopted its position a year ago, but the Council of the European Union is still only taking baby steps towards finding its position.
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How the online tracking industry “informs” policy makers
Following the entry into force of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the online advertising industry’s lobbying efforts moved to undermining the ePrivacy Regulation proposal.
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Civil society calls for the protection of privacy in ePrivacy
On the 13th of July, EDRi, together with Privacy International, IT-Politisk Forening and Access Now sent a letter to the TELE Working Party of the EU Council regarding the dangers for privacy protections associated with the latest proposals brought forward by the Austrian Council Presidency. The letter comments the developments and argues that such changes […]
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New Dutch law for intelligence services challenged in court
On 21 March 2018, the Dutch voted in an advisory referendum on the new Intelligence and Security Services Act. A majority of Dutch citizens voted against the law in its current form – a clear signal that the law is in urgent need of reconsideration. EDRi member Bits of Freedom has been fighting against important parts of this law since the first draft in 2015, so the outcome of the referendum comes as a positive news.
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Data retention “reflection process”: Council working documents
A number of “working documents” discussed as part of the Council of the EU's “reflection process” on the mandatory retention of telecommunications data have been released following an access to documents request submitted to the Council by EDRi member Statewatch.
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2018: Important consultations for your Digital Rights!
Public consultations are an opportunity to influence the future legislation at an early stage, in the European Union and beyond. They are your opportunity to help to shape a brighter future for digital rights, such as your right to an open internet, a private life, and data protection, or your freedom of opinion and expression.
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ePrivacy proposal undermined by EU Member States
The discussions on the ePrivacy Regulation continue in the European Union (EU) legislative process. They were on hold for a few weeks because of ongoing negotiations on the European Electronic Communications Code (EECC) – another big “telecoms” file that the Council of the European Union is working on.
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e-Privacy: What happened and what happens next
With the vote on the mandate for trilogues in the European Parliament Plenary session of 26 October 2017, the European Parliament confirmed its strong position on e-Privacy for the following inter-institutional negotiations, also called trilogues.
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Estonian eID article – additional information
Our article on the problems with the Estonian eID card attracted some criticism and non-specific allegations of inaccuracies. We recognise the sensitivities of the Estonian authorities on this issue, but stand behind the article. For the sake of completeness and to allow our analysis to be verified, here is the timescale that we describe in […]
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Tell the European Parliament to stand up for e-Privacy!
On 26 October, the European Parliament (EP) will decide on a key proposal to protect your privacy and security online. This step consists in confirming (or not) the Parliament’s mandate to negotiate the e-Privacy Regulation with the Council of the European Union. This vote has been demanded as part of an effort to either water […]
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Last-ditch attack on e-Privacy Regulation in the European Parliament
The ECR, the right-wing, Eurosceptic political group in the European Parliament has joined forces with German Conservatives, Axel Voss and Monika Hohlmeier, as well as the Danish Liberal Morten Løkkegaard to try to overturn progress made on the e-Privacy Regulation. The Regulation applies to confidentiality of communications, online and offline tracking and device security. It […]
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