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“e-Evidence” trilogues: what’s left of fundamental rights safeguards?
In an open letter addressed to policymakers, an EDRi-led coalition of digital rights, lawyers, journalists, media organisations and internet service providers associations are ringing the alarm bell. We warn against the foreseen framework that could seriously endanger freedom of expression, privacy rights and the right to a fair trial.
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E-Evidence: trilogues kick off on safeguards vs. efficiency
The Regulation on European production and preservation orders for electronic evidence in criminal matters (E-Evidence) aims to create clear rules on how a judicial authority in one Member State can request electronic evidence from a service provider in another Member State. One such use case would be requesting user data from a platform in another EU country during an investigation. We wrote about our main issues in the past.
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Online content moderation: Where does the Commission stand?
The informal discussions (trilogues) between the European Parliament, the Council of the European Union and the European Commission are progressing on the Terrorist Content Regulation (TCO, aka “TERREG”). While users’ safeguards and rights-protective measures remain the Parliament’s red lines, the Commission presses the co-legislators to adopt what was a pre-elections public relations exercise, rather than […]
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Trilogues on terrorist content: Upload or re-upload filters? Eachy peachy.
On 17 October 2019, the European Parliament, the Council of the European Union (EU) and the European Commission started closed-door negotiations, trilogues, with a view to reaching an early agreement on the Regulation on preventing the dissemination of terrorist content online. The European Parliament improved the text proposed by the European Commission by addressing its […]
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Upload filters: history and next steps
The proposal for a new copyright Directive was originally aimed at modernising the copyright framework. However, it has fallen short of the initial expectations. Instead, the current proposal for the Directive text forces the implementation of upload filters and brings only minor improvements in other areas. In effect, the proposal could lead to unlawful restrictions […]
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Copyright negotiations begin to derail
The negotiations on the EU’s highly controversial Copyright Directive proposal continue. The last trilogue meeting between Commission, Council and Parliament was originally scheduled for today, 21 January 2019. The event was, however, called off on late Friday evening 18 January by the Romanian Presidency of the EU Council. It has become increasingly clear that the manifest problems […]
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Closed-doors discussions to filter the internet continue
On 12 September 2018, the European Parliament (EP) adopted the worst imaginable amendments to the copyright Directive proposal.
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#CensorshipMachine – How will the decision be taken?
The European Union (EU) is currently reforming its copyright legislation. In September 2016, the European Commission proposed its controversial draft for the new Copyright Directive that includes de facto mandatory upload filters (Article 13). This is how the process to approve this “censorship machine” will advance, from the Commission’s proposal until the adoption of the […]
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e-Privacy: What happened and what happens next
With the vote on the mandate for trilogues in the European Parliament Plenary session of 26 October 2017, the European Parliament confirmed its strong position on e-Privacy for the following inter-institutional negotiations, also called trilogues.
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Tell the European Parliament to stand up for e-Privacy!
On 26 October, the European Parliament (EP) will decide on a key proposal to protect your privacy and security online. This step consists in confirming (or not) the Parliament’s mandate to negotiate the e-Privacy Regulation with the Council of the European Union. This vote has been demanded as part of an effort to either water […]
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Estonia loves digital – why is it supporting the #censorshipmachine?
Estonia is globally known as a powerhouse of the digital world. It eagerly moves everything into the digital realm and prides itself on being at the forefront of technology. As it now holds the Presidency of the Council of the EU, it is in charge of negotiations on the new Copyright Directive proposal. Knowing how […]
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EU decision-making is not EU administration, says EU administration
In 2016, the EU Ombudsman Emily O’Reilly made some recommendations to improve the transparency of the “trilogue” process. Trilogues are informal negotiations conducted between a small number of representatives of the Council of the European Union, the European Parliament and the Commission, and they are increasingly used to circumvent the traditional, treaty-based decision-making process of […]
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