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The EU’s attempt to regulate Big Tech: What it brings and what is missing
This week, the European Commission has proposed two long-awaited pieces of digital legislation, the Digital Services Act and the Digital Markets Act. Despite a number of good provisions, there are also major shortcomings which must be addressed to guarantee the protection of digital rights.
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‘A for effort’: European Commission DSA/DMA proposal falls short of the systemic change needed to rein in Big Tech power
The Commission’s proposal is an important step but falls short of putting forward an ambitious plan to break free from the centralised platform economy that defines people’s online experiences today.
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Statement: civil society challenges EU plans to expand biometric mass surveillance
On 9 December, the European Commission presented its new Security Union package, composed of the Counter-Terrorism Agenda and a proposal to strengthen the mandate of Europol. Originally intended for next year, the release of the Counter-Terrorism was accelerated due to recent attacks in France and Austria. When it comes to protecting fundamental rights from intrusive biometric surveillance, the proposals fall seriously short.
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Reclaiming faces and public spaces!
The Reclaim Your Face movement is growing, and our demands for transparency, limiting the accepted uses and respect for humans are becoming more and more common across Europe. New organisations are joining the coalition each week, and people across Europe continue to sign the petition to add their voices to our demands. Now, thanks to campaigning by Homo Digitalis in Greece and Bits of Freedom in the Netherlands, we’re getting closer to real political and legislative changes that will protect our faces and our public spaces from biometric mass surveillance.
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Envisioning a Decolonised Digital Rights Field – and Charting Next Steps
This week, a group of 30 participants, working on issues of racial, social and economic justice, digital rights, and in philanthropy, came together to not only collectively imagine just that, but also to identify the building blocks for a process that might help us get there.
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10,000 people demand a ban on biometric mass surveillance
Reclaim Your Face is a European movement to bring people’s voices into the discussion around the use of biometric data to monitor the population. Since its launch only two weeks ago, over 10,000 people have signed their support by adding their name to the call for transparency, red lines, and respect for humans in European uses of biometrics.
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Digital Defenders help kids defend their privacy online
Our popular publication “Your guide to Digital Defenders – Privacy for kids!“ has been updated!
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Campaign “Reclaim Your Face” calls for a Ban on Biometric Mass Surveillance
Civil society across Europe launches the “Reclaim Your Face” campaign, demanding that local and national authorities listen to their communities about the serious risks of using facial recognition and other biometric technologies in public spaces. The newly formed coalition calls to ban biometric mass surveillance, in reaction to the rapid and secretive roll out of invasive and unlawful technologies by police forces and local authorities in many European countries.
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Technological Testing Grounds: Border tech is experimenting with people’s lives
The European Union is increasingly experimenting with high risk migration management technologies.
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Attention EU regulators: we need more than AI “ethics” to keep us safe
In this post, Access Now and European Digital Rights (EDRi) analyse recent developments in the EU AI debate and explain why we need a bold, bright-line approach that prioritises our fundamental rights.
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Launch of EDRi Annual Report 2019
2019 has also been a pivotal year, with more attempts to rein in the power of dominant internet platforms. EDRi's members Europe-wide have continued highlighting the privacy-invasive surveillance-based business models of the digital platforms dominating the online market, and the significant consequences this may have for civil rights and control of society.
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Press release: The data retention regimes of France, United Kingdom and Belgium are illegal says CJEU
Note: This quick reaction is based on the Court’s press release. A more thorough analysis of the judgement will be published later this week.
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