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EDRi-gram, 7 february 2024
In this edition of the EDRi-gram, we'll be discussing the Irish Media Regulator's proposal to implement mandatory age verification that could impact all EU Member States. This could be a dangerous move that will impact millions of people using platforms like YouTube or Instagram. Additionally, after three years of negotiations, the EU Council voted on the Artificial Intelligence (AI) Act last week. Our civil society AI coalition has summarised the latest updates on this landmark legislation and what's at stake.
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EDRi-gram, 17 January 2024
In December 2023, European Union (EU) institutions reached an agreement on the landmark Artificial Intelligence (AI) Act. But we think it might be too early to celebrate. Same for the European Media Freedom Act, which culminated in a politically pressured final trilogue in December. The final text leaves much to be desired in protecting journalists and EU fundamental rights.
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EDRi-gram, 6 December 2023
In this edition, we reflect on how our movement of human rights organisations and supporters influenced the European Parliament to reject the mass scanning of private messages in the CSA Regulation. And as we approach the final negotiations on the Artificial Intelligence (AI) Act, we are raising the voices of 16 organisations, calling on the Council to effectively regulate the use of AI systems by law enforcement, migration control, and national security authorities in the law. Read on to learn more about digital exclusion in Europe, the expansion of the EURODAC database, and the EU's plans for facial recognition.
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EDRi-gram, 23 November 2023
In this edition, we are looking at the thunderous news of six civil society organisations, including EDRi, taking the European Union’s dangerous content regulation to court. The regulation proposes a dodgy tech solution that empowers the police to censor what you post online. We can stop that. We are also excited to share a new campaign called “Don’t Spy EU” which allows you to scan the faces of European lawmakers with a face recognition algorithm. Lawmakers are the ones in charge of finalising the Artificial Intelligence Act, so let’s make sure they fully understand the risks of biometric surveillance.
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A coalition of six organisations takes EU’s dangerous terrorist content regulation to court
On 8 November 2023, a coalition of six organisations filed a complaint before the French supreme administrative court, the Conseil d’État, against the French decree implementing the Regulation on addressing the dissemination of terrorist content online.
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EDRi-gram, 25 October 2023
We’re in high spirits after mobilising 23 activists from over 13 European countries to come to Brussels in support early October. Representing over 200,000 supporters of EDRi’s Stop Scanning Me campaign, these activists urged Members of European Parliament (MEPs) to ensure everyone’s digital security amid mass surveillance measures in the CSA Regulation. Meta is up to no good again after the European Court of Justice declared their handling of user data illegal earlier this year. In a move to circumvent EU privacy law, the tech corporation reportedly plans to ask users to pay up to €228 a year to preserve their fundamental right to privacy on its platforms.
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EDRi-gram, 11 October 2023
The autumn leaves have started to fall but not our spirits. We organised 180 civil society groups and eminent experts to call on governments to stop the use of facial recognition surveillance by police, authorities and private companies. We also mobilised 80 media, journalists, and human and digital rights organisations to urge MEPs to ban the use of spyware against journalists & so much more!
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EDRi-gram, 27 September 2023
The weather might be cooling off but the digital rights world is heating up with activity. Civil society continues to fight against dystopian surveillance technology. More than 85 organisations have called on EU governments to say no to the CSA Regulation until it fully protects online rights, freedoms, and security. Over 115 civil society organisations are urging EU lawmakers to regulate the use of AI technology for harmful and discriminatory surveillance by law enforcement. In Czech Republic, EDRi member Iuridicum Remedium have details on the Czech police’s illegal use of a facial recognition system.
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Press Release (CSA Regulation): Who benefits from the EU Commission’s mass surveillance law?
A newly-published independent investigation uncovered that the European Commission has been promoting industry interests in its proposed law to regulate the spread of child sexual abuse material online.
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EDRi-gram, 13 September 2023
Are you ready to catch up on the recent digital rights developments in Europe after a nice summer break? The latest EDRi-gram has got you covered. From a fake social network that is spooking people in Warsaw to activists celebrating encryption, this edition brings you the hottest updates on everything digital. Stay informed and up to speed with the latest digital rights updates in Europe.
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EDRi-gram, 12 July 2023
Keeping up with the fast-paced digital rights world is hard work, so we’re taking a well-deserved summer break. But there’s lots to update you on before we go. In this EDRigram, you can read about the ongoing efforts in the EU and the UK to protect encryption and keep the safety and integrity of everyone’s private communications intact. You can also read about what EU’s plans to digitise travel documents could mean for you – more convenient travelling or more discrimination? Since this is the last edition of the EDRigram before we break for the summer, we have an extended recommendation section to keep you from from missing us while we’re away. Have a great summer!
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EDRi-gram, 28 June 2023
Recent developments in crucial digital European Union regulations have raised many eyebrows as we see attempts to undermine human rights. 27 civil society organisations, including EDRi, stood against the use of people's sensitive information to target them with political messages online. 65 civil society and journalist associations also urged the Council of the European Union to ensure stronger safeguards to protect journalists in the European Media Freedom Act. In this edition, you can also read about how digital rights are a civic space issue and why privacy is not a crime.
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