January 15, 2004

UK: 4 million surveillance cameras

With four million CCTV cameras watching the public, the UK now has the highest level of surveillance in the world. The number of closed circuit television (CCTV) cameras has quadrupled in the past three years, and there is now one camera for every 14 people in the UK. According to an article in the newspaper […]

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May 15, 2014 · Blogs

European Action Day #WePromiseEU

Presse release – Today, a coalition of 36 civil rights organisations from all over Europe invites everyone to participate in a EU-wide action day to demand that the next European Parliament defends digital civil and human rights. The European Parliament is taking more and more decisions that have a direct impact on our rights and […]

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September 6, 2017 · Blogs

Netherlands: Sharing of travel data violated students’ privacy

It was all over the news on 22 August 2017: Translink, the company responsible for the Dutch public transport card “OV-chipkaart” had been passing student travel data to the Education Executive Agency responsible for student finance in the Netherlands (DUO). DUO uses this data to figure out whether students who claim to live on their […]

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October 10, 2018 · Blogs | Privacy and data protection | Cross border access to data

Independent study reveals the pitfalls of “e-evidence” proposals

The conclusion of the study could not be clearer: “The added value of the new cooperation regime (quick and effective access to provider data) is mainly based on the abolition of cooperation obstacles and procedures ensuring effective protection of fundamental rights.”

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November 19, 2003

French study warns against spam via Plaxo

The ad-hoc French organisation ‘halte au spam’ (stop spam) organised a successful forum on spam in Paris on 3 November. The forum was attended by more than 200 people, including 25 journalists. During the forum an interesting new study was presented about the privacy-dangers of social internet-tools like Plaxo. Plaxo’s service invites you to upload […]

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July 2, 2015 · Blogs

European Digital Rights asks the European Commission to investigate illegal data retention laws in the EU

European Digital Rights (EDRi) this morning sent a letter to European Commission First Vice-President Frans Timmermans, asking the European Commission to investigate the data retention laws in EU Member States which appear to be illegal in light of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) ruling on this issue from 8 April last […]

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September 7, 2017 · Blogs

Estonia loves digital – why is it supporting the #censorshipmachine?

Estonia is globally known as a powerhouse of the digital world. It eagerly moves everything into the digital realm and prides itself on being at the forefront of technology. As it now holds the Presidency of the Council of the EU, it is in charge of negotiations on the new Copyright Directive proposal. Knowing how […]

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December 1, 2010

Ireland: reshaping the law for the digital economy

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Irland: Neugestaltung des Gesetzes über die digitale Wirtschaft | http://www.unwatched.org/node/2397] EDRi-member Digital Rights Ireland, Google and the Institute of International and European Affairs co-sponsored an event in Dublin on 19 November 2010 which presented suggestions for the reform of Irish law to promote digital innovation. Speakers were Niall […]

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July 1, 2015 · Blogs

Google admits it was wrong on “right to be forgotten”

In the widely publicised “Google/Spain” ruling of the European Court of Justice (CJEU), it was decided that the results of Google searches sometimes infringe the rights of individuals. In such circumstances, individuals can complain – to Google in the first instance – and ask for searches involving their name to be de-linked from the unfair […]

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November 30, 2022 · Blogs | Privacy and data protection | Artificial intelligence (AI)

New poll exposes public fears over the use of AI by governments in national security

EDRi’s affiliate European Center for Not-for-Profit Law (ECNL) commissioned a survey in 12 EU countries, where a representative sample of the public was asked about their opinion on the use of AI by governments. The poll has exposed public fears and shown stark differences with some of the positions taken by EU countries. Check out the results.

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July 15, 2015 · Blogs

Remembering Caspar Bowden

We are sad to report the death of EDRi member FIPR’s first Director, Caspar Bowden. Caspar was one of the people who met in 1998 to set up the Foundation for Information Policy Research (FIPR), in response to the introduction of what later became the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act. Caspar was FIPR’s Director from […]

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January 15, 2004

Data Dutch KLM passengers handed over to NASA

The US airline company Nothwest Airlines voluntarily handed over the personal data of possibly as much as 10 million US and European passengers to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Northwest Airlines has an alliance with the Dutch airline company KLM. The two companies have integrated their reservation systems and operate code-sharing flights from […]

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