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Call for Nomination: EDRi Board elections 2021
EDRi is looking for interested candidates to become a member of the EDRi Board. As an EDRi Board Member, you will help shape the future of the organisation and the network and advance our mission to promote and protect human rights in the digital environment. You will have a responsibility as an employer of the EDRi office and vis-à-vis the members.
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What went down at #PrivacyCamp21?
EDRi’s annual flagship event Privacy Camp took place yesterday, on 26 January, for the first time online. We hope many of you were able to attend and that you found the event just as inspirational as the in-person experience.
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EDRi-gram, 27 January 2021
We hope many of you were able to join us at Privacy Camp 2021 yesterday which brought together 245 academics, activists and privacy experts from across the world. Stay tuned for the key takeaways. In this edition of the EDRi-gram we showcase the mobilisation efforts and victories so far from the #ReclaimYourFace campaign, share Privacy International's research on political ads and much more.
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EDRi-gram, 13 January 2021
How can digital rights best contribute to reclaiming infrastructures, and how can reclaimed infrastructures sustain democratic practices, for a fair, people-centered, digital future in the EU? Join us at Privacy Camp 2021 to find out:
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Terrorist Content Online: Is this the end?
On 10 December, the European Parliament and the German Presidency acting on behalf of the Council reached a provisional agreement on the Regulation addressing the dissemination of terrorist content online.
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EDRi-gram, 9 December 2020
In this final 2020 edition of the EDRi-gram, our wish is to start 2021 with more energy, momentum and resources to protect our rights and freedoms online. Would you consider donating to help make that happen?
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Looking back at digital rights in the era of a surveillance pandemic
2020 started as a year to build momentum to tackle various digital rights issues, including mass surveillance and freedom of expression online. Needless to say, the global pandemic disrupted not only these efforts but also our health, personal relations, basic survival needs and ways to organise around human rights. After 9 months of living and working in a pandemic, we look back at what we achieved and the ways forward from here.
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EDRi-gram, 25 November 2020
On 12 November 2020, 12 organisations from across the EDRi network launched the first ever pan-European civil society movement against biometric mass surveillance: Reclaim Your Face. Over 10 000 people signed the petition so far. Join us!
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Walking from Luxembourg to Brussels in two hours
A public hearing before the European Court of Justice (ECJ) last Tuesday, November 10, dealt with the compatibility of Article 17, more precisely the provisions of Article 17 that require platforms to block copyright infringements, with the Charter of Fundamental Rights.
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Japan Trade Deal punches USA-sized hole in privacy
EDRi member Open Rights Group discusses the challenges that the new UK-Japan trade agreement poses to data protection rights in the UK.
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EDRi-gram, 12 November 2020
We have watched as governments have abused their power to put limits on people’s freedoms, and as companies have exploited the situation to gather ever more biometric data about us. The Reclaim Your Face coalition has risen up against the widespread abuse of our biometric data before and during the pandemic.
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EDRi-gram, 28 October 2020
Data brokers are key actors in the hidden data ecosystem. The data they collect and later sell can be used for a range of different purposes, from commercial advertising to political campaigning, and in some worrying instances, law enforcement.
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