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Germany asks what should the EU do about encryption for law enforcement?
On 22 September, Statewatch released a document issued by the German Presidency of the Council to help establish a common EU position on finding ways around encrypted communications for the needs of law enforcement.
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Q&A: EU’s top court rules that UK, French and Belgian mass surveillance regimes must respect privacy
The Court of Justice of the European Union issued judgments in three cases in the UK, France and Belgium. Privacy International answers some of the main questions.
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Press release: The data retention regimes of France, United Kingdom and Belgium are illegal says CJEU
Note: This quick reaction is based on the Court’s press release. A more thorough analysis of the judgement will be published later this week.
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LQDN fights to protect French citizens from biometric mass surveillance
In August, La Quadrature du Net (LQDN) filed a complaint before the Conseil d’État (France’s highest administrative court) against provisions of the French code of criminal procedure which authorise the use of facial recognition to identify people registered in a criminal record police file – called “TAJ” for “Traitement des antécédents judiciaires” – by the police.
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How to create an excellent process to deliver a worthless contact-tracing app
As it became clear that Covid-19 would not spare Europe, contact-tracing apps quickly surfaced across the continent as the tech-solutionist quick fix. The Netherlands was no exception.
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For the “right to analog”: IuRe strengthens the Digital Freedoms program
For almost twenty years, the Czech watchdog Iuridicum Remedium (IuRe) has been fighting for human freedoms in real and digital life. In its Digital Freedoms program, IuRe is currently working on several interlinked digital freedom campaigns that can be found via their new campaigning website.
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Booklet: Launch of Data Retention Revisited
Today we are pleased to launch our updated handbook: “Data Retention Revisited”. The handbook is one of the few dedicated resources created on the topic of data retention in the European Union (EU).
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Surveillance on the seas: Europe’s new Migration Pact
Instead of coming up with a meaningful plan, the EU’s new migration pact explicitly doubles down on containment and border security and opens the door to increasingly more draconian tools of surveillance using new technologies, write Petra Molnar and Kena-Jade Pinto, who recently travelled to the Moria refugee camp in Lesvos.
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Easter is coming twice this year: Find the egg on our new website
We're proud to announce our brand new website built on the basis of EDRi’s awesome Guide for the Ethical Web Development, proving that it can be done!
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Is surveilling children really protecting them? Our concerns on the interim CSAM regulation
On 27 July, the European Commission published a Communication on an EU strategy for a more effective fight against child sexual abuse material (CSAM). The Communication indicated several worrying measures that could have devastating effects for your privacy online. The first of these measures is out now.
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Vote for EDRi at the #GoodID Awards
We’ve been nominated for a #GoodID Award! 🏆 Vote for us as a Community Champion by clicking on this link:
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‘Not On Our Watch’: A public campaign against Google’s jump into our health data
Monopolies, mergers and acquisitions, anti-trust laws. These may seem like tangential or irrelevant issues for privacy and digital rights organisations. But having run our first public petition opposing a big tech merger, we wanted to set out why we think this is an important frontier for people's rights across Europe and indeed across the world.
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