Privacy and data protection
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UN Security Council mandates worldwide air traveller profiling
In the name of “preventing, detecting and investigating terrorist offenses and related travel”, all United Nations (UN) Member States should develop systems for processing and analysing Passenger Name Record (PNR), Advance Passenger Information (API) and “fingerprints, photographs, facial recognition, and other relevant identifying biometric data”, according to a UN Security Council resolution (no. 2396) on […]
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Press release: 6th annual Privacy Camp takes place on 23 January 2018
Tomorrow, on 23 January 2018, Privacy Camp brings together civil society, policy-makers and academia to discuss problems for human rights in the digital environment. In the face of what some have noted as a “shrinking civic space” for collective action, the event provides a platform for experts from across these domains to discuss and develop […]
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EU-Japan trade agreement not compatible with EU data protection
The EU and Japan have announced the conclusion of the final discussions on a trade agreement, the EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA). Regarding cross-border data flows and data protection, the European Commission’s press release states that recent reforms of their respective privacy legislation offer new opportunities to facilitate data exchanges, including through a simultaneous finding […]
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ePrivacy proposal undermined by EU Member States
The discussions on the ePrivacy Regulation continue in the European Union (EU) legislative process. They were on hold for a few weeks because of ongoing negotiations on the European Electronic Communications Code (EECC) – another big “telecoms” file that the Council of the European Union is working on.
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Commission claims that general monitoring is not general monitoring
Will everything we do on the internet be monitored and checked against by a non-transparent mechanism that decides what can be published? It is a real threat, and currently it is coming from an area that patently does not require such draconian measures: EU copyright law. This threat is a peculiar one, because there are […]
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Proposal to revoke data retention filed with the Czech Court
On 20 December 2017, EDRi member Iuridicum Remedium (IuRe) filed a request with the Constitutional Court of the Czech Republic to revoke the Czech data retention related legislation.
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2017: From EDRi to the world
2017 was a busy year for digital rights defenders. To advance our mission to defend and promote your rights to privacy, data protection, and freedom of information, expression and opinion, we worked hard to engage with European level decision-making, but also did our best to get out of the Brussels “EU bubble” and enhance digital […]
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What happens to our data on rental cars?
On 6 December 2017, EDRi member Privacy International published research about data on connected cars. The report “Connected Cars: What Happens To Our Data On Rental Cars?” presents concerns about the way connected transportation facilitates the generation and collection of information about drivers in ways that most people are not able to understand, question, or […]
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The UK discusses data retention again
Rather bizarrely, the UK appears to be taking a more diligent approach to the application of EU law on data retention than the European Commission. While the Commission sits on its hands as individual Member States adopt increasingly outlandish and illegal data retention proposals – such as a new Italian law that imposes data retention […]
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Dutch mass surveillance law receives two BBA nominations
Until 9 November 2017 people in the Netherlands could nominate individuals, organisations and companies for a Big Brother Award. The three most “popular” nominees are now in the running to become the biggest privacy offender of the year. Two of the three nominees, Christian Democratic Appeal (CDA) parliamentary party leader Sybrand Buma and the Cabinet, […]
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e-Privacy: What happened and what happens next
With the vote on the mandate for trilogues in the European Parliament Plenary session of 26 October 2017, the European Parliament confirmed its strong position on e-Privacy for the following inter-institutional negotiations, also called trilogues.
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Italy extends data retention to six years
On 8 November 2017, the Italian Parliament approved a Regulation on data retention that allows telecommunication operators to save telephone and internet data for up to six years.
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