Between policy and reality: EDRi’s assessment of the implementation challenges in the troubled Terrorist Content Online Regulation
Since its enactment nearly two years ago, the so-called ‘Terrorist Content Online Regulation’ has faced scrutiny over its implementation and effectiveness. The EDRI network has contributed insights to the European Commission's Call for Evidence for its evaluation. We expressed significant concerns regarding potential violations of fundamental rights and the efficacy of its enforcement measures, advocating for the withdrawal of the regulation in favour of one that genuinely guarantees respect for fundamental rights.
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Between policy and reality: EDRi’s assessment of the implementation challenges in the troubled Terrorist Content Online Regulation
Since its enactment nearly two years ago, the so-called ‘Terrorist Content Online Regulation’ has faced scrutiny over its implementation and effectiveness. The EDRI network has contributed insights to the European Commission's Call for Evidence for its evaluation. We expressed significant concerns regarding potential violations of fundamental rights and the efficacy of its enforcement measures, advocating for the withdrawal of the regulation in favour of one that genuinely guarantees respect for fundamental rights.
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Privacy is not for sale: Meta must stop charging for people’s right to privacy
Ahead of a crucial opinion by the European Data Protection Board (EDPB) – a grouping of the EU’s chief privacy regulators - on Meta’s plan to charge for privacy, the European Commission has opened an investigation that we hope will cast light on the unlawfulness of Meta’s so-called ‘Pay or Okay’ model, which has become the ‘talk of the town’ in Brussels.
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Tech platforms must drop addictive features that harm young people
Social media companies construct their platforms in ways that make them addictive. Algorithms show individuals things that they think will keep them hooked for longer.
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Win against Facebook. Giant not allowed to censor content at will
By blocking the accounts and groups of Społeczna Inicjatywa Narkopolityki (SIN, the Civil Society Drug Policy Initiative), Meta has infringed on the organization’s personal rights. A Polish court issued a watershed decision in a case supported by the Panoptykon Foundation, thereby confirming that Internet platforms cannot block users at will.
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Delay, depress, destroy: How tech corporations subvert the EU’s new digital laws
When the DSA and DMA were passed in 2022, major tech industry associations praised the new laws as significant achievements. It is time for Big Tech corporations to stop pouting and live up to their responsibility.
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Civil society complaint raises concern that LinkedIn is violating DSA ad targeting restrictions
On 26 February, EDRi and its partners Global Witness, Gesellschaft für Freiheitsrechte and Bits of Freedom have submitted a complaint to the European Commission regarding a potential infringement of the Digital Services Act (DSA).
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Temporary ePrivacy derogation: Companies like Facebook must never indiscriminately scan people’s private messages
In response to the European Commission’s public consultation on the extension of the interim ePrivacy derogation, EDRi warns that even when they are ‘voluntary’, any measures for digital platforms to indiscriminately scan people’s private messages are an unacceptable interference with our human rights.
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Irish Media Regulator must address dangerous age verification in its new online safety code
On 30 January 2024, EDRi submitted its comments on the Irish Media Regulator’s (Coimisiún na Meán) new Online Safety Code in a public consultation, highlighting significant concerns about age verification.
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Challenges ahead: European Media Freedom Act falls short in safeguarding journalists and EU fundamental values
The European Media Freedom Act (EMFA) culminated in a politically pressured final trilogue on 15 December 2023. Unfortunately, the agreed-upon text lacks crucial safeguards against surveillance of journalists, which dangerously promote the use of spyware in the EU. It alsoraises concerns about Article 17 and the “media exemption”, potentially undermining the Digital Services Act (DSA) provisions.
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New paper calls for digital public spaces
In a newly published paper, Zuzanna Warso, a human rights lawyer and a Director of Research at EDRi member Open Future (OF), explains why establishing Digital Public Space is necessary for the realisation of digital rights. Keep reading to learn why.
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How tech corporations like Google, Meta and Amazon should assess impacts on our rights
A new policy paper by EDRi members ECNL and Access Now outlines key recommendations on how to make fundamental rights impact assessments meaningful under the European Union's Digital Services Act (DSA).
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Scroll more, sleep less. A Black Mirror-inspired truck in Warsaw advertises a disturbing social network… that doesn’t exist
Panoptykon’s campaign is being launched after the DSA has become fully effective with regard to VLOPs on 25 August. To comply with the new regulation, cybergiants must, among other things, introduce changes concerning their additive algorithms which they use to personalise users’ feeds. They must now explain how those algorithms work and offer at least one recommender system not based on tracking users’ personal data.
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