February 2, 2022 · Blogs | Privacy and data protection

Join our bootcamp and Reclaim Your Face

Reclaim Your Face is expanding to different cities in Europe. To support this growth we are launching a bootcamp to train volunteers and expand the fight against biometric mass surveillance.

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March 20, 2024 · Blogs | Privacy and data protection | Cross border access to data | Data protection standards

GPS tagging of migrants found unlawful by UK data protection authority

As a result of Privacy International’s 2022 complaint against the UK Home Office, the UK data protection authority (ICO) has found that the GPS tagging of migrants and asylum seekers arriving to the UK small boats was unlawful, and issued a formal warning for all future data protection compliance of GPS tagging as a whole. This is a major step towards better scrutiny of the human rights implications of the surveillance of migrants.

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April 15, 2020 · Blogs | Open internet and inclusive technology | Privacy and data protection | Artificial intelligence (AI) | Biometrics | Surveillance and data retention

COVID-Tech: Emergency responses to COVID-19 must not extend beyond the crisis

In EDRi's new series on COVID-19, we will explore the critical principles for protecting fundamental rights while curtailing the spread of the virus, as outlined in the EDRi network's statement on the virus. Each post in this series will tackle a specific issue at the intersection of digital rights and the global pandemic in order to explore broader questions about how to protect fundamental rights in a time of crisis.

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June 14, 2023 · Blogs | Privacy and data protection | Data protection standards | Surveillance and data retention

Snowden revelations: ten years on

Ten years ago, the first revelations about US mass surveillance were published in the UK and USA. The revelations swiftly widened to encompass details about the role of the UK’s GCHQ (Government Communications Headquarters) in the global gathering of vast amounts of communications data.

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June 26, 2024 · Blogs | EDRi-gram | Highlights | Information democracy | Open internet and inclusive technology | Privacy and data protection

EDRi-gram, 26 June 2024

Summer seems to have finally arrived in Brussels, just in time for the heart of the EU to reel from the results of the European elections. Maybe having the sun will make it all bearable? Stay tuned as we test out this theory. We do have some positive news to share from the world of digital rights. Earlier this month, LinkedIn gave in to pressure from civil society and Digital Services Act (DSA) enforcers based on a complaint by EDRi and three partner organisations. The platform will no longer allow advertisers to target ads based on sensitive personal data from users. A big win for privacy! On a similar sunny note, EDRi and the Reclaim Your Face campaign were recently recognised as the Europe AI Policy Leader in Civil Society for our groundbreaking work advocating for a world free from biometric mass surveillance. Do you want to read more about the EDRi network’s impact on defending and advancing digital rights? Our 2023 Annual Report is out now for you to peruse!

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June 2, 2021 · Blogs | Open internet and inclusive technology | Equal access to the internet | Inclusive technologies

Telecom reform in Austria: consumers must benefit from Router Freedom

Austria is reforming its telecommunications law to incorporate the new European directives on electronic communications. The Austrian government has now an unique opportunity to leverage router freedom at the legislative level to protect consumers and the market. EDRi's member epicenter.works sheds some light on the reform.

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August 18, 2021 · Blogs | Campaigns | Open internet and inclusive technology | Biometrics | Inclusive technologies

Roma & Sinti rights, Resistance & Facial Recognition: RYF in Conversation…

For communities that have been historically sidelined, the promises of digitalisation can instead become a vessel for yet more discrimination and unequal treatment. Facial recognition in particular has a sinister and dark history which links to the persecution of Romani communities. If you missed our webinar on Roma and Sinti rights and the rise of facial recognition across Europe, you can catch up here and learn what the digital rights community can and should do!

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June 2, 2021 · Blogs | Privacy and data protection | Data protection standards | Privacy and confidentiality | Surveillance and data retention

Human rights groups win European Court of Human Rights claim on UK mass surveillance regime

Eight year legal battle against UK mass surveillance programmes exposed by whistleblower Edward Snowden culminates in victory for privacy. EDRi's member Privacy International worked actively to make this happen.

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October 20, 2021 · Blogs | EDRi-gram | Highlights | Information democracy | Open internet and inclusive technology | Privacy and data protection

EDRi-gram, 20 October 2021

In this edition of the EDRi-gram, we share the launch of a collection of four scenarios that describe situations involving cross-border access to personal data and explains the necessary safeguards needed in the e-Evidence Proposal to mitigate these fundamental rights harms. We also demonstrate how software embedded in people’s devices can monitor our movements and surveil us, how a ban on surveillance advertising can fix Facebook and a lot more. Also now's your chance to submit your session proposal for the 10th annual Privacy Camp event, happening on January 25, 2022!

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November 16, 2022 · Blogs | EDRi-gram | Highlights | Information democracy | Open internet and inclusive technology | Privacy and data protection

EDRi-gram, 16 November 2022

In this edition of the EDRi-gram, we cheer as Austria becomes the first country to take a clear stance against the European Commission’s controversial proposal for a child sexual abuse regulation, which threatens to undermine people's right to privacy and freedom of expression. We also follow Panoptykon's, EDRi member in Poland, application against the Polish state for violating their right to privacy by allowing the intelligence agencies to act beyond scrutiny.

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April 28, 2020 · Blogs | Privacy and data protection | Biometrics | Privacy and confidentiality | Surveillance and data retention

COVID-19: A Commission hitchhiker’s tech guide to the App Store

How's does the European Commission's toolbox and data protection guidelines fit with the EDRi network's take?

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February 10, 2021 · Blogs | Campaigns | EDRi-gram | Privacy and data protection | Artificial intelligence (AI) | Biometrics | Data protection standards | Profiling practices | Surveillance and data retention

Chilling use of face recognition at Italian borders shows why we must ban biometric mass surveillance

As part of Reclaim Your Face's investigation in rights-violating deployments of biometric mass surveillance, EDRi member Hermes Center explains how the Italian Police are deploying dehumanising biometric systems against people at Italy’s border.

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