EDRi-gram, 14 December 2022

192 organisations and individuals call on the EU to better address the harms of Artificial Intelligence in the AI Act when used in the context of migration. We also celebrate our members' win as, thanks to their complaints, the EU watchdog has found that the European Commission has failed to protect human rights from its surveillance aid to African countries.

By EDRi · December 13, 2022



Hungary misused citizens’ data for political campaigns

Human Rights Watch

Human Rights Watch’s 85-page report examines data-driven campaigning in Hungary’s last elections. People who submitted their personal data to a government-run website to register for the COVID-19 vaccine received political messages intended to influence the elections in support of the ruling party. Read more.


How can tech companies help women access information about safe abortion?

EDRi member, Article19

How are women’s rights to freedom of expression and access to information faring on a global level? What role does disinformation play in disrupting these rights, and how can tech companies help? In the current climate, the challenges and obstacles to protecting reproductive rights are huge. Listen now!


Got a streaming device? Change these settings right now


CNET wrote a guide to make sure your streaming devices are not using your data to “improve the products and services they offer” a bit too much. Take control!


How AI impacts everyday life?

Civil Liberties Union for Europe

Artificial intelligence makes our lives safer, easier and healthier in so many ways. But it can also pose serious threats to our rights and society as a whole. Here are 10 ways in which it impacts everyday life, and the possible consequences that follow. Watch now!

