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The EU gets another opportunity to improve copyright rules
The EU gets another opportunity to improve a copyright proposal that would have threatened the open web.
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EP Plenary on the Copyright Directive – Who voted what?
Many of you have been wondering who voted for and who voted against JURI's mandate to enter into negotiations with the EU Council on the Copyright Directive on 5 July.
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ENDitorial: The Commission’s new filtering adventure
In September 2017, the European Commission adopted a “Communication” on illegal content online, full of demands that somebody – but not them and not the Member States – should do something to fight illegal content online. With this move, the European Commission managed to generate some good publicity for itself.
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German police raids privacy group’s premises
In the early morning of 20 June 2018, German police forces raided several locations – the headquarters of the privacy group Zwiebelfreunde, and the homes of three of its board members, as well as the association OpenLab, which is part of EDRi member Chaos Computer Club (CCC) in Augsburg.
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Press Release: EU Parliamentarians support an open, democratic debate on Copyright Directive
EU Parliamentarians decided today, 5 July 2018, that the initial text proposed as the Copyright Directive Reform needs to be re-opened for edits. This will allow the 751 MEPs to propose amendments in September and call for the deletion of the notorious Article 13.
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How the EU copyright proposal will hurt the web and Wikipedia
Wikimedia is an integral part of a large movement of civil society stakeholders, technologists, creators, and human rights defenders, who all recognize the importance of a free and open web for culture, progress, and democracy. Our movement is working to promote freedom online for the benefit of all. Our efforts in this public policy realm […]
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Action plan against the first obligatory EU internet filter
Many feared (and some hoped) that the European Parliament’s JURI Committee vote on the 20th of June would be the end of our campaign, as well as the end of the open internet. Not so fast, the censorship machine is not a done deal!
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Re-Deconstructing upload filters proposal in the copyright Directive
This week we have published a new analysis of the proposal for upload filters in the Copyright Directive proposal. The paper is a new paragraph-by-paragraph analysis of relevant parts in the text adopted by the Legal Affairs Committee of the European Parliament (JURI Committee). The work complements our first analysis of the initial proposal by […]
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Restoring freedom of expression in Spain: end the “gag law”
Spain has been one of the countries of the European Union that has most shamefully stood out for its government’s attitude against freedom of expression and information.
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Moving Parliament’s copyright discussions into the public domain
With just eleven months to go before the 2019 European elections, European citizens’ reactions to certain aspects of the Copyright Directive mean that there is more interest than ever in what decisions are being made by the European Parliament, as well as how these decisions are made.
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ENAR and EDRi join forces for diligent and restorative solutions to illegal content online
The European Network Against Racism (ENAR) and European Digital Rights (EDRi) joined forces to draw up some core principles in the fight against illegal content online. Our position paper springs both from the perspective of victims of racism and that of free speech and privacy protection.
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We can still win: Next steps for the Copyright Directive
On the 20th of June 2018, the European Parliament’s Legal Affairs Committee (JURI) ignored all advice and voted for the chaotic Article 13 of the proposed Copyright Directive. There are several steps for the EU institutions to go through before the Directive can finally be adopted. We can still win!
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